18 December, 2008

I've been reading the book Godly Tomatoes, from this website, http://www.raisinggodlytomatoes.com/ and HIGHLY reccomend it. Very challenging, inspiring and the cry of my heart. I have to admit, i feel quite inadequate tonight as a mother. It's so easy to focus on the things i'm doing wrong and start feeling like a complete failure, but i've noticed that going down that path never helps. It's time for me to get down on my knees, (instead of sleeping in mornings) and turn to the only one who can truly change me. He's so merciful and yet doesn't hesitate to get to the root of my issues, no matter how painful. I never cease to be amazed at how the Holy Spirit can convict in such a beautiful way.

We're still fighting the flu in this house. Poor Caleb, one of the twins, threw up last night, or should i say early morning, so i had a huge pile of bedding to wash. Thank God for a super size washing machine with a sanitize cycle. Marlin's fighting a cold/congestion, i'm thinking it's being exposed to everything at work. Seems we're getting hit hard and early but maybe we'll get it over with. Thankfully i've been able to stay healthy and the older kids are doing well. I'm starting everyone on this, http://www.allibiotic.com/ to keep it at bay. Love that stuff. I'm also giving cod liver oil, and probiotic and, of course, i made rich chicken broth soup tonight. I tried giving the broth to the bugs (aka twins) in their sippy cups but they weren't exactly impressed.

You know, i take my health for granted. I was just thinking tonight about the good health that God has given me, and i'm SO THANKFUL!!!!!! I hate being sick, of course, but even more than that, when mama's sick, the whole house teeters on disintegration. Unfortunately, no matter how well you eat, we still live in a sin and sickness cursed world and sickness happens. It doesn't help when people give these wonderful christmas goodies.............

Time to get this gang off to bed, so i have the energy to face the world tomorrow.

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