05 April, 2010

Grain Free Granola

1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup coconut flakes
1/2-1 cup nuts
1/2 cup honey, warmed
pinch of salt
2 t. cinnamon
1/2 T vanilla
1 cup dried fruit
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a large baking sheet. Mix all ingredients EXCEPT dried fruit. Bake 30 minutes, stirring every so often and watching to make sure it doesn't burn. Remove from oven and add dried fruit. Hide in closet and eat frantically, hoping the children won't find you. I'm telling you, this granola is GOOD!!!

Unfortunately, this stuff is expensive to make, so i limit the children's intake. Which isn't hard seeing they HATE raisins in food. :) That could be a problem for me, since this stuff can make you fat. Uh-oh, maybe there's a reason i'm the only one in this marriage not losing weight.........

Granola? Anyone?


  1. Come ON! I know that Granola is no big secret! Out with it, woman!!!

    (Miss you muchly! Let us know if you need a weekend away. I'll even cook gluten free!!!)

  2. sounds so good- I know I should take the plundge (?) and do the no-wheat thing...but it looks huge to me right now-Gina


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