15 September, 2013

Psalm 4:8

"In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
  I always knew that God answers prayers but it is with renewed conviction that i can say that. The terrible cloud of darkness and fear has lifted, not only for me but also for Marlin and the children. I don't doubt for a second that it's because of all the prayers lifted.....thank you, thank you, thank you!! And please don't stop, as the spiritual warfare is very real. We have gone twice to sing for the widow, and while it makes my heart sink to see the blood stained grass, it has been very healing to sing of Jesus, and to see the comfort it brings the people listening.  I'm sure we will be severely tested in the future, but the healing presence of the Holy Spirit has given us faith to set our faces toward Jesus and our hearts toward Kenya.

   And now for some pictures of our house and yard, to give you some idea of what it looks like in a certain compound in Kisumu, Kenya.  :)

The front of our house as we come in our front gate. To the left is the carport where i do laundry and where we hold language classes. School is right behind and yard to the right. 

Our front yard....better manicured than what we had in the states, aye?  

Our side yard. The fence and bushes are facing the street so if the children climb to the top of the swing set they can look out over the fence and into the street. This is also the yard where the school children play.

We feel very blessed with our corner property here as it's a little corner to itself , so we don't have to stress so much over the noise our abundant brood of children make. We even have a porch swing, right about where the person was standing who took the picture. We feel like spoiled missionaries, as i remind myself when homesickness hits. Life on the other side of the compound is vastly different than what we experience in our little world, although there are some very nice houses and apartments not far from us. We live very simply compared to Americans but compared to many Kenyans.......well, my flesh shrinks at the thought of living the way they do. But unless we are willing to walk away from our comforts we are not worthy to be called missionaries. So for now we walk in the knowledge that God has called us here, and if He ever calls us to something different He will grant us the strength to do so.

 So much we have to learn yet and i am very thankful for what God has blessed us with here in Kisumu. This past week's happenings have etched in our minds, however, that it is God who protects us. No amount of locks or gates will withstand the powers of darkness but through Jesus Christ we not only withstand, we are conquerors.


  1. Hey sis :) So glad to hear that you and yours are safe and sound...Sarah text messaged me at work to tell me of the break in at your compound. And you're right..."if God has brought you to it, He'll bring you through it"! Somehow I figured you'd be scared at first but would come to that conclusion - and I see your humor is alive and well ;) And though I miss the thought of my sister just over the mountain, I'm glad to know you're doing well, AND I'm thankful for the blessings of technology! Lovin' the palm trees btw! Sending prayers to Kenya...love you!

  2. Hi sister, so good to hear from you!! I miss the thought of you over the mountain too.....and i miss the thought of so many friends within easy driving distance but here we are and here we remain. So glad for technology too. I have been very thankful for a sense of humor many times....such as the time that our electrticity went out for the thousandth time early in the morning and Marlin came triumphantly into the bedroom carrying the lantern. No biggie....until the lamp started shooting flames out the top. I laughed until i had tears rolling down my cheeks as he frantically puffed away to get the fire out, just like a giant birthday candle. Somehow he wasn't laughing as hard.
    Take care!!


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