26 February, 2014

My Little Sister - by Emily

Hadassah's grave
I stared at mom as she told me they were going to the hospital. Mom had been leaking fluid and having cramps the last few days. Now my mind quickly went back to what mom was saying.

   "I know dear, i don't want to go either."

    Dad came and they left. We were bored as we were waiting. We were planning on having supper at our friends house. Then we got the call we were to go home. I raced home with Levi, happy they were home, but my happiness was destroyed as i saw mom crying and dad crying. We sat there as they cried and i gave my brother a look like, "what's happening?" Then i knew. They were crying over our unborn baby girl. My emotions went and i sobbed as they told us our sweet baby would die.

  "No! it can't be happening. She will be fine."

   They told us she had anencephaly. To me i couldn't understand. I had prayed for a baby sister as long as i can remember. When we found out she was a girl we were overjoyed! But our plans were devastated. The day we found out that evening the compound came over to pray with us. I felt God's amazing love and presence those very painful days.

   Two hours from us there is a christian hospital. A christian doctor, his wife and their 3 boys lived at Hospital Tenwek. They had a place for us to stay. Mom and dad left on saturday and we left on monday. We had a relaxing time in spite of the condition. We waited for our baby girl. Thursday noon Hadassah Faith Weaver came into this world. I was called first to go see her. With mixed emotions i went. She was the most beautiful little girl i had EVER seen. One by one my seven rowdy brothers came to see her for the first and last time. I had a hard time giving her up. She was put in her little box. November 21, 2013 was her birthdate. She was laid to rest on November 27.

  Our family has grieved over her lots of times, but we know she's somewhere so much better than earth. Yes, it still hurts at times, and i miss her like crazy! I would NEVER give her up for anything in the world. We are all praying for another pair of tiny feet to add to our house of many weavers! It's been two months since our little Hadassah died.

   It's time to close up my little story about her. We love her and always will.

  ~Emily Paige Weaver

I love Hadassah Faith Weaver
~In loving memory of her~                                                                    
Emily at Hadassah's grave with the cross she made and the flowers she so very carefully placed around and on it.


  1. Very sweet,Emily. May Jesus be close to you today...

  2. that was lovely!!!!! i would miss her, too. i love you!!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful Emily. The post, but even more, YOU. I love your sweet spirit and so proud of you for sharing your heart. Hugs from me!

  4. awe, sweet Emily..so loved to hear from you ! Loved the pictures too. How painfully sweet. Love and prayers, your aunt jan


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