18 May, 2010


Jacob. Cheerful, full of love and good humor, round fat little cheeks, toothy grin, (almost 4 teeth) and a blessing that i can't begin to express. We all simply adore him. The children dote on him, daddy goes for him first thing when he walks in the door, mommy kisses and feeds him constantly, the world smiles on him. I told Marlin every child should be the youngest in a large family.........

When i found out i was carrying yet another small Weaver in my womb, i wasn't happy. In fact, i was mad. After all, i had just delivered a set of boys 13 months earlier and if anyone deserved a break i did. I did actually surrender, kind of, but expected God to give me an easy labor for having baby #7. Worst delivery i ever had and i made sure both God and Marlin heard loud and clear that i wasn't going to put myself through that torture again. I didn't count, however, on a mother's love for her baby and i definitely didn't count on Jacob. It wasn't long before i found myself crazy over the latest addition.........but what to do about this prolific womb of mine? I mean, i do live under grace and the Bible doesn't actually come out and say you have to have a gazillion kids and even the majority of the "church" would say it's the right thing to do to "protect yourself." I had a real battle waging in my heart and to make matters worse, Marlin wouldn't say much when i asked him to please figure out what God wants for us so i can plan. After weeks of praying i realized that i needed to truly surrender my heart once again, and trust God to lead us. I also kept stuffing the longing for another baby far, far away. One morning i told Marlin that the more children we have, the more i love children. I was shocked when he heartily agreed. And i've finally realized something. After the twins i was convinced that i was in the right place to give myself a much needed break. But God knew exactly what i needed and it wasn't a 4 year break. It was Jacob. God knew that the best way to turn my heart where it needed to be was through the most adorable baby ever. I find myself losing my fear that "it" might happen again and find myself rejoicing that God ignored my selfishness and gave the Weaver family exactly what we needed. What happens next? I have no clue and i have a total peace about that. God is faithful and that's all i need to know. Until then, i am going to soak up baby love, a love that is straight from the heart of God.


  1. Oh, Darla! My heart! You choked me all up, turning my thoughts to my dear children... my dear children that get to see the good, the bad, and the very ugly mama that sometimes arrises.

    Thanks for giving that gentle shove, that gentle encouragement to enjoy my ever so precious babies!

    Love you!

  2. You are so right with this, Darla! I am enjoying baby Alexis more than ever! I think each baby get's more and more precious! They are such a gift straight from Heaven! Thanx for your encouragement! Keep looking up, even on those 'hard' days! Love ya, Jewel

  3. Hi Darla! Marietta here! I was just reminded today too how precious my little Benny is to us! As I sat there in the van waiting for the big yellow school bus to bring my boy home...(yes we send him to school! and its the best thing ever for him!)...I was listening to a song of a child that passed away and my mind went back to the many times we thought we would lose him and he would be gone from our lives...but oh joy there he comes on the big yellow school bus!! He sat there so tall and I fairly danced to the wheelchair ramp to bring my precious Benny home!!! He is so sweet and oh such a handful too, but we love him dearly dearly dearly! Keep hangin in there, you are parents that love their children and that will carry them through the years! God bless the ManyWeavers!!! And God bless Emily tucked in there with all those MALES!!!! Love you, Marietta.

  4. Hi Marietta! What a great surprise to see your name on my blog. :) Yes, i know how much you love your Benny. He is a sweetheart and a miracle.
    God bless you guys!


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